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Other People's Stories

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Here are some social stories that may help you to think about your answers. Click or tap to read the stories:
Supporting Guidance

You will see that we are encouraging open thinking and discussion. At this stage we are setting the scene and are relying on your knowledge and understanding of the person you are supporting so you can ensure their comfort and create opportunities to empower ownership of the responses. Whilst this is about them we recognise and value that it is a joint informal experience for all.

Supporting Guidance - Social Stories

Please use the social stories included with this tool kit.

The scenarios may help the user understand that it is okay to think freely. They are only thinking about what they might like. It does not mean this is readily available but over time and through multiple uses of this toolkit they will get closer to knowing what is possible. It is very important to manage expectations.

Whilst the The Care Act (England) 2014 aims to enable people to have more control over their own lives , we are very mindful of the need to be realistic. There is no expectation for you to know what is available but please do reinforce that today we are only thinking about it.

N.B. it is the Charity’s long-term aim to positively influence available options so that choice becomes a reality.

Please continue to be mindful that we are not making any assumptions, there are no wrong answers. A sense of empowerment and ownership are key. We know we don’t need to say this but just have to! Wellbeing is our top priority. It is so important that the process and conversations are comfortable, and we need you to do what you do so well. You know the person you are supporting best and will make such a big difference. Please support as you always do, you are the greatest resource. This toolkit is just guiding and recording.